Hi I’m Dawn!  I am a wife, mother of 4, and grandmother of 7 (with number 8 on the way!).  I love Jesus, my big crazy family, and the life I share with my husband and dogs. My belief system has always been rooted in my faith and the Golden Rule…typically if you treat others well they will do the same in return.  I’ve had several careers in my life from flight attendant to business owner, as well as the honorary role of mom and grandma, and I’m excited to share with you my experiences, both good and bad. I believe this thing called life, that we’ve all been blessed with, should be cherished and lived to the best of our ability. No matter our age or circumstance, we all have something to contribute.  

Hi, I’m Kate! I am a wife and mother. I love Jesus, family, friends and horses. I run a small business and also homeschool my youngest. My oldest is in college, yes, quite the gap in age. My prayer is that when I am called home my legacy is that of love. Love for God and love to choose to see Him and  the beauty that is all around always, even in times of trial and uncertainty. Love your tribe fearlessly and drop seeds of that wherever you go. You never know who might show up in your life when you least expect it. Above all be authentic, full of grace and mercy. Live in gratitude, for your mind and heart must be in sync to live a life of fulfillment. I am looking forward to connecting with you. I will be authentic and transparent. Life can be tough, but you’re not alone. Let’s get through the good and bad together. My hope is that by sharing my life you will have renewed hope to keep walking or praising. I want to meet you exactly where you are at.

Together we're best friends who decided to start a podcast.  With a massive amount of life experience between us and a unique bond that continues to be our Northstar, our prayerful desire is to share with you what we share with each other.....everything!  We hope you'll join us weekly on this Stable Sisters journey!